4kingpoker joins $250 Titan Private FR
4kingpoker Losses ... Not much success online at the moment so I was really looking forward to our first home game for several weeks on friday night.
Ended up being a very mixed night as I blasted through my chips early on. Cashed up twice in the first hour and got beat on two big hands which was frustrating but I didn't feel I did the wrong thing ...
I flopped the nut straight and correctly slow played knowing that the guy after me wouldn't be able to leave chips out on the table. Sure enough he raised £5 after 2 of us checked to him - the player on my right folds and I raise over the top to £10 still feeling confident I was enough ahead, the next card didnt help him but I then pushed all-in and he called turning over two pair - better than I expected but still ahead until the river makes him a full house.
The rest of the night seemed to be going his way - big change and we were all getting pounded - Long story short I ended up putting £60 in play and only managed to break even my the end of the night - not great but at least I got back square.
4kingpoker Tournaments ... We have a couple of games on this Sunday 1st October - The 6th game in the Buy-in Tour and a new format with Titan Poker which will be a weekly $250 FREEROLL at 6pm EST which is a joint private freeroll with a couple of other poker forum sites, this will replace the Titan Series and should be fun to play a private freeroll but up against some new players.
3pm EST at Titan Poker for a $3+0.30 buy-in with $50 added -
game 6 of The 4kingpoker Buy-in Tour.
6pm EST at Titan Poker for a $250 FREEROLL open to all players who sign-up to Titan through our banners / links using BONUS CODE: 4kingpoker
Titan Poker Sunday FR
4kingpoker News ... I've finally got the top 10's done so we know have separate tables and summary reviews for our top 10 recommended poker sites ranked for -
Best Poker Bonus
Easiest to Win Poker Sites
Best Poker Software
Best New Poker Sites
Boggest Poker Sites
Best Poker Sites for Mac
Best Poker Site Overall
Also we've added cards suit icons to the emotion thingy's in the forums so now you can post up bad beat's etc using them - which should make them alot easier to understand.