Monday, September 04, 2006

PKR 3D Poker launches Real Money + 50% up to $250 Bonus

4kingpoker Losses ... I've been playing a bit at PokerHeaven on the Boss Network. I really like the software and the players truely suck, so much so that even I can make a bit of money ... Up $130 so far from playing about 3 hrs in the $0.25/0.50 NL cash games ... not sure how long that will last though.

4kingpoker Tournaments ... The 1000th member celebration freeroll at DreamPoker went well this weekend. We had 69 players and a host of regular and new faces ... Hayden1009 took 1st place with DomEast coming in 5th and Rgchan in 6th place. I finished a not very impressive 39th having got a bit enthusiastic with a couple of early hands and then hitting a long spell of duff cards ... I had a pocket pair once but 55 wasn't going to get me anywhere so managed to blind myself away - Great fun though.

The next weekend we're at PokerHeaven for game 5 of the 4kingpoker buy-in tour. $3+0.30 buy-in with $50 added on Sunday 7th September at 3pm EST and then back at PokerHeaven the following Sunday for the 6th game in the league series.

4kingpoker News ... The forum has grown to over 1000 members which is great and I'm hoping to be spending more time in the forums. Social Bookmarking has now been added to the site and I am now working on improving the layout on the articles sections and getting the top 10 review sections finished so that we have top 10 reviews for bonus, software, weak players, biggest, mac, new & overall.


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