Tuesday, November 21, 2006

$10 Million VC Poker Grand Slam Tournament, Dog's Play Poker & Why I Hate Phil Hellmuth

Dog's Play Poker ... Donkey's dressed in Dog's Clothing

Phil Helmuth Bitching - Again

Personally I bloody strongly dislike Phil Helmuth (I won't say hate because I've never met the bloke). But seriously - World champion poker player or not, 50 WSOP in the money finishes or not & youngest prodigy poker genius or not ...

Phil Helmuth you seriously need to get some damn manners - you are frankly a spoilt brat and when it doesn't go your way a total tw*t.

Check out the 2nd to last hand Hellmuth played in the 2006 WSOP ... Seriously rude to an amateur, bitching an moaning like he'd been dealt 3 aces and got cracked - but no he had AK off the other guy had K 10 suited. The guy was close to braining Phil and I think if I'd been sat there I'd have lost it. Hellmuth comes out with his patent "He can't even spell poker" ... You know what Mr Bigshot Poker Champ, you can't spell manners ... Give me Mike the Mouth anyday at least he has a sense of humour.

4kingpoker News ... I've been changing a few things on 4kingpoker.com to try and get it all a bit more newsy and easier to navigate ... Not sure about the colour changes from blue to black yet but it's definately a more interesting read. If anyone is actually out there check it out and give us some feedback.

Random Stakes Poker ... Never bet your house on a hand.

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