Thursday, November 16, 2006

Extreme Strip Roulette, That Jamie Gold Lawsuit & Negreanu makes Hellmuth meltdown on HSP

Extreme Strip Roulette ... Are you a Gambler or a Poker Player ?

That Jamie Gold WSOP Winner Lawsuit ... Every two bit wanabee lawyer & poker blogger seems to have an opinion on the lawsuit which has seen half of Jamie Gold's 2006 WSOP frozen. But I came across an interesting piece in Law School Dropout's Poker Blog which seems to cover the whole thing with alot more credible legal thoughts than I've seen elsewhere.

High Stakes Poker ... Negreanu puts Phil Helmuth into Meltdown

4kingpoker losses ... Still got a few pennies at Full Tilt Poker but basically floundering around having still not recovered from one of my patent "dump my bankroll" sessions. Although today I received a tempting 250% re-load bonus offer from Poker Heaven which I will probably take up and make this my final attempt to beat my demons and beat those juicy cash games ... But we'll see.

Blind Man's Bluff Poker ... The future of Poker & it's NOT Omaha

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