Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Day 336 ... Poker playing Alien lands for WSOP in Wiltshire, England

• Wordsicle Watch ... Check out ... Your Guide to Surviving the Corporate Wasteland. They also have a great Business Jargon Dictionary full of 450 wordsicles.

• Latest Poker News ... Poker Playing Alien Crop Circle found in Wiltshire, England

Report from The Gloucestershire & Wiltshire Tribune ...

A local farmer discovered his farm had been visited in the night by extra terrestrials. Within days hordes of crop circle enthusiasts descended on his small farm in the Wiltshire countryside. The 150ft long crop circle remains a mystery, but appears to show an alien playing poker or on an intergalactic drinking binge.

more ... Photographic Evidence ET Plays Poker

• 4kingpoker Losses Update

Titan Poker ... $61.35

$5+1 SnG ... 9th ... - $6.00
$5 cash NL 0.02 ... $5.96 ... +$0.96
$5+1 SnG ... 10th ... - $6.00

Titan Poker ... $61.35 ... -$11.04 ... total $ 50.31 (-$116.03)

Back to pennies over the $50 I need to keep hold of to pay the winner of the Titan Series II this weekend - So will have to leave my Titan account alone for a while.

Holdem Poker ... $62.33

$5+0.50 SnG ... 5th ... -$5.50

Holdem Poker ... $62.33... -$5.50 ... total $ 56.83(+$12.83)

Playing like a muppet at the moment - Trying to be clever in games where any idiot (except me) would realise that half the table WILL call anything and WONT fold under any circumstances - This is totally my own fault, I know the score in these cheap games and yet I continue to think I can move players off a hand just because I have position.

I'm now near enough a year into my low stakes experiment of playing at sites I probably wouldn't have tried if it weren't for launching 4kingpoker. I have managed to stay within my "budget to loose" of $50 per month / $300 per year and although I have nothing in the way of profit I have proved you can play a hell of alot of games and only loose pocket change. I am now down to pretty much what I started with at Holdempoker and have nothing else but unclaimed bonuses at other sites. 4kingpoker has proved to be alot more time consuming than I ever imagined and I think it's really affected my game as a result - or more to the point I've found trying to play and work - doesn't work.

• 4kingpoker Stuff

4kingpoker Titan Series II ... Re-Scheduled to this Sunday 25th June 5pm EST is the FINAL a $3+0.30 buy-in with $50 added - 25 players - The top 5 players from each of the previous events is qualified to the final. As well as the added $50 to the prize fund there is an additional $50 to the winner of the final.

4kingpoker Freeroll Tour ... $50 freeroll at Noble Poker - Sunday 25th June 3pm EST. Password in forum codes section as usual.

We are introducing a couple of new tournament formats to 4kingpoker starting in July - This means we will have private tournaments running on EVERY weekend of the month - both Saturday's & Sunday's.

4kingpoker Titan Series III starts Saturday 1st July ... 6 Qualifying tournaments - $1+0.10 buy-in with $25 added - The top 5 players from each tournament is qualified to play in the $100 FREEROLL Final. Starts Saturday 1st July 3pm EST and games will be on Saturdays at 3pm EST & Wednesdays at 5pm EST.

4kingpoker Referrer & Posting Freeroll ... Monthly $50 freeroll tournament open to 4kingpoker members who refer 2 new members to the forum or make 10+ posts in the forum in the previous month -

Referrer & Posting Freeroll on the 1st Sunday of every month,
starting Sunday 2nd July at

4kingpoker Buy-in Tour ... Following the sucess of the 4kingpoker Freeroll Tour and the Titan Series we are lauching a series of $3 buy-in tournie at our recommended sites - 12 tournaments each with $50 added to the prize fund + bonus $100 worth of prize money for the top 3 on the leaderboard after 12 events.

4kingpoker Buy-in Tour on the 2nd & 3rd Sunday of each month, starting 9th July at PokerHeaven.

NB. From 1st May you will need at least 5 posts in the forum in order to unlock the passwords section of the forum. It updates every 24hrs so miss out on the tournies because you haven't made enough posts and allowed 24hrs for it to update.

• More Poker News

Poker Players Alliance - Fight for Legal Online Poker
Join the Poker Players Alliance and fight for the Congress to regulate & legalize Online Poker in the US.
Join Poker Players Alliance

Titan Poker - Million Mania with Playboy's Joana Krupa
"The World's Hottest Swimsuit Model" Joanna Krupa, Titan Poker's new spokesmodel launches Titan Poker Million Mania Tournament with $1,000,000 in Guaranteed Prizes.

• Poker Blog of the Week ... IronGirl 101 Blog
As Phil Hellmuth says; Great things Happen to Me!!! Think it, say it, believe it ... 4kingpoker member IronGirl's own poker blog.

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