Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Day 34 ... $ 12.85

While trying to put off the all too likely demise of this months PokerRoom cash I remember I've still got $20 ish in partypoker.

Long story short - I enter some SNG tournies - win the first one and bomb out in the rest - cash gone - the end

Must admit I'm glad to see the back of it - Yes the tables are full of calling stations and lame play but it isnt enjoyable software to use - back to my very short stack in Pokerroom I've got just enough for 2 $5+0.5 tournies if I dont scrap through then I'm on freeroll rations.

• $5+0.5 NL sit&go full ... 4th ... - $ 5.50

I end up a bit committed to my KK preflop then with an A-Q flop I was prob in trouble - managed to get out not too battered when another A came down but the guy I was up against had been moving in big preflop with A rag and sure enough thats what he showed - I wasted a big bet on the flop to find out. Short stacked I was trying to stay out of trouble to get a place and take it from there - but the other guy was doing the same so I had to make a move

88 comes up and Ive got position so all-in get called by AA - end of story

• $5+0.5 NL sit&go full ... 2nd ... + $ 9.50

Nice one - good heads up play but blew it in the end - glad of the place - at least Ive got something to play with tomorrow

Day 34 $ 12.85 + $ 4.00 total $ 16.85 (- $71.15)

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