Friday, August 26, 2005

On the up side it's the 4kingpoker series tonight.

Day 37 ... $ 7.85

Bit of a fix now - Ive only got enough left for one tournie if I balls it up then I'm left with $ 2.85 for a cash game - I think I might have to do it the other way round and try to get the $ 2.85 up to $ 5.50 to get 2 tournies and try and stay alive.

On the up side it's the 4kingpoker series tonight - our monthly friday night cash game. It should be a good one - near full table of 8 with all the usual suspects and a couple of the new lads thrown in - can't wait to get my table back up again.

Well I didnt really think that one out too well - went in cash game with the min $ 2.50 which left me short of the $5.50 needed for a tournie - getting nowhere fast so got out with $ 1.35 (-$ 1.05) waste of time I should have planned to do the cash if I hadn't got anywhere on a tournie - Dumb Ass.

• $5+0.5 NL sit&go full ... 2nd ... + $ 9.50

Lucky Lucky Lucky - was very short stacked with 4 left in - madly I blinked and a 3 way all-in had been and gone and I found myself sat in 2nd with next to no chips but a 2nd place in the bag.

• $5+0.5 NL sit&go full ... 8th ... - $ 5.50

I kind of guess this ins't an really bad beat but it felt like it - I had AA (spade) I raise mid position hoping for some calls and someone to re-raise, this I get, so as hoped I go all-in and TWO call - not happy - they show JJ (spade) and 10 10 (spade)

Now I figure I'm a favourite - flush draws I win so all I need to do is dodge any 10 or J - they made fairly good calls I guess but I have got AA

Flop comes spade - spade ... no 10's no J's so far so good

Turn is spade ... still ahead and Ive got the nut flush draw too

River ... Jack ... Bugger

Upside is for some reason I've got a $10 free bonus - think my points might have counted after all.

Day 37 $ 7.85 + $ 2.95 + $ 10 bonus total $ 20.80 (- $67-20)

........ ........ dont get bitter - get better ........
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