Thursday, August 25, 2005

The muppet with A3 off hit a 245 runner runner - straight on the river.

Day 36 ... $ 18.85

• $5+0.5 NL sit&go full ... 2nd ... + $ 9.50
• $5+0.5 NL sit&go full ... 4th ... - $ 5.50
• $5+0.5 NL sit&go full ... 6th ... - $ 5.50

Ended up going in with A9 suited not great but found myself up against a loose call with 10 2 off - law of SOD prevailed as the board came up blank for both of us until the river - what comes up ? - 2

• Freeroll ... 57th / 2400

My best result to date on the freeroll - I dont think I ever got above 11000 in chips so I was pretty much just surviving - I didnt hit many good sets of cards but good solid draws and hands just enough occasions to keep going - I ended up down to enough for one bet having been played at very aggressively by the big stacks (nearly all of them) I decided I would need cards
everytime I went in it was going to be for all my chips.

Each round I was figuring to go allin with a solid hand and either get the blinds and keep just above water or triple up - My final bet was to be with QA suited mid position - got called by big stack with K9 - I had a chance but it wasnt to be -
flop came up --K and the 9 on the river sealed it

• $5+0.5 NL sit&go full ... 5th ... - $ 5.50

• $2+0 NL $ 4000 frenzy re-buy ... 373rd / 973ish ... - $ 4.00

Fancied a bit of a change after my freeroll so entered this re-buy tournament - didnt re-buy until about 55mins where it went a bit wrong for all my money so re-bought - Everyone else had been rebuying left and right all the way through the first hour - didnt make much sense to me as the bulk of the 120 places paid $7 - 20ish, why re-buy more than your probably gona win ??? - lasted another 40 mins or so but struggling to keep up with the blind raises.

Ended up going all-in with KA suited got called by AQ and by A3 - At this stage I was fairly confident - I only needed to duck any 3 and any Queen and I could always hit a King or my flush draw - I certainly wasnt the underdog.

Yet you've guessed it the muppet with A3 off hit a 245 runner runner straight on the river - This game sucks.

Day 36 $ 18.85 - $ 11.00 total $ 7.85 (- $80.15)

........ ........ dont get bitter - get better ........
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