Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Day 133 ... $1.80 + $ 5.50 (cancelled game)

Whilst the forum sign-ups seem to coming on ok I'm still stuggling with getting the tournies off the ground. No suprise really as I haven't got a big enough base yet for it to be easy. So the game at got cancelled so I took the only other entry fatvilla on in a short handed SnG game - he came 2nd and eventually after rather a tough heads up game I came 1st - which was nice. All went a bit down hill after that he suggested a rematch and caught up with me in what I thought was a NL SnG full table - half right I'd managed to drop into a limit table - which was interesting - well it wasn't really it was wierd and hard work but still managed to get 5th, don't know where the villa finished up. Hope the next tournies go better - got over 20 for the TitanPoker $100 freeroll but no signups out of it - these freeroll hunters seem to come out of the woodwork and I know loads of the other forum guys are up against the same thing. Anyhow got so bored with the limit game that I was playing a NL cash game too - which was going ok, I'd doubled up but yep you've guessed stuck with a hand I knew I had no business being in and came back down to make a whole 5 cents profit.

$5.50 NL SnG short ... 1st ... + $12.00
$5.50 L SnG full ... 5th ... - $5.50

$8.00 NL Cash ... $ 8.05 ... + $0.05

Day 133 ... $ 7.30 ... + $ 6.55 ... total $ 13.85 ( - $ 250.15)

Poker article of the day ...
Poker Starting Hands - Suited connectors - by scrawnybob

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