Friday, January 27, 2006

Day 191 ... Break from skiing ...

HoldemPoker ... $ 156.71

$ 5+0.5 SnG Full ... 1st ... + $19.50

$ 8.00 cash NL 0.10 ... $ 16.20 ... + $ 8.20
$ 8.00 cash NL 0.10 ... $ 00.00 ... - $ 8.00
$ 8.00 cash NL 0.10 ... $ 00.00 ... - $ 8.00

So having been away from online poker for a few days due to a snowboarding trip, I decide to get a couple of hours in on the last day before the inevitable beery session in the bar. The tournie proved to be good game but the cash games went a bit sour - I'd left the first game doubled up and was playing fine.

At the second table I got dealt AA and put in a decent raise in late position to cut out the competition, got re-raised by one player on the BB and re-raised him again all-in, so about $12 and he called for all his money as we had similar stacks - he turned over K 10 off which was a bit mad IMHO - then the miracle flop turned him a made straight and I was beat. I honestly dont see how he raised & called all his money with it but he did.

HoldemPoker Total ... $ 156.71 ... + $ 11.70 ... $ 168.41 (+ $ 124.41)

Poker blog of the day ... Maudie's Poker Blog
Poker Perspectives - The saga of one woman's journey into the realm of poker, blogs and life ... and other musings. And a fine job she does too.

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