Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Day 258 ... I have got readers ...

Weather Report, Alaska - Bit warmer in Barrow -9F but Janeau is still my tip at 36F and overcast.

Well it turns out I do have some readers, which is nice to know. I spent yesterday trying to improve the visability of my blog so we'll see if that has any effect. I don't really understand it but I now have feedburner and somesort of link so you can RSS feed me or something. Anyway the logo looks pretty and I have put a counter on which started yesterday. I've signed up to a couple of these blog traffic things - where you look at a couple of blogs and then someone is pointed to yours. No idea if this will get me some avid readers but what I saw looking at all the other blogs out there was a real eye opener.

So far I've had the debatable priviledge of viewing ...

A random picture of some street busker dressed as Darth Vader, a scary lady not called Muriel but with an unhealthy love of cats and read a bizarre article written by some pot head entitled " I don't like mustard, I don't like pretzels but I do like mustard flavoured pretzels" ... seems like the internet is full of way too many people with way too much time on there hands.

Oh and about 10 times as many right wing zelots and left wing liberals in equal measure ranting on about Iran, Iraq, the US government & the "fact" that global warming hasn't been proved scientifically ??

All I can say is thank God we still have a half decent printed press in the UK. If we got our information and formed opinions from the internet we would be a bunch of neo-nazi, mustard pretzel eating stoners with an unhealthy collection of hand knitted cat jumpers.

I did have a couple of comments - one from some crazy pole / poll & one from another poker blogger - cheers

A nice read too - Online Poker Thoughts Blog

Titan Poker ... $ 33.82

$5+0.75 SnG full ... 3rd ... + $4.25
$5+0.75 SnG full ... 3rd ... + $4.25
$5+0.75 SnG full ... 5th ... - $5.75
$5+0.75 SnG full ... 3rd ... + $4.25
$5+0.75 SnG full ... 5th ... - $5.75
$5+0.75 SnG full ... 5th ... - $5.75
$5+0.75 SnG full ... 5th ... - $5.75

Titan Poker ... $ 33.82 ... - $ 10.25 ... total $ 23.57 (-$ 92.43)

Dispite managing to get three 3rd places a succession of 5th's left me with a 30% hit on my limited bankroll. I think tomorrow if I play I am going to sit it a really low stakes cash game and just go for a very small but consistent profit margin. While I am just playing as a sideline to working it seems rather frustrating to have such a consistently low win rate, ok if I'd turned more 5th's into 3rd's the picture would look far more rosy but I can't help thinking $10 loss over 5hrs playing is poor even by my standards. OK I'm paying way less than half my attention to the games and maybe the problem is not getting agressive enough with 5/6 left ... so maybe better off trying to play a steady cash game. At the end of the day a $2 an hour plus is better than a $2 an hour loss.

4kingpoker stuff ...

Titan Series this weekend ... It's the 5th game of 6 this weekend at Titan and the last $50 freeroll in the current series. The weekend after it's a $3+0.30 buy-in which needs to be busy as you can only qualify for the highest 30 scorer final if you've played in a buy-in tournie. The series seems to have been a success and we're just sorting out the details for the Titan Series II which is great news.


Anonymous said...

i left a couple of suggestions at 4kings, hope they help.
keep at it !

cheers harry

SirFWALGMan said...

Thanks for the linkup.