Thursday, April 06, 2006

Day 260 ... Recovery Continues ...

Weather Report, EuroDisney, Paris 53F
Unsurprisingly the same as the rest of Paris, France -
Possibly less rioting but a few more annoying Disney characters.

I mentioned some sort of Sims soap opera blog - I've found it again but in the process found a few more so I guess it's not so difficult to make the fancy pictures after all - Adventures in Cyberia.

I'm not big on fast action computer games so before discovering online poker I used to waste endless hours on an old version of Civilisation and on the Sims. I think the Sims are better off without me - I used to take great juvenile delight in creating terrible houses without any toilet facilities and watching them get stressed out and if I ended up with lazy one who never held a job down I would pen them up in the garden - cruel really - but it then again they're not real it really is just a computer game. Maybe if anyone can make these picture stories I should start a "Sims in Distress" blog or "Chav Sims - The Soap Opera".

Titan Poker ... $ 52.39

$5+0.75 SnG full ... 7th ... - $ 5.75
$5+0.75 SnG full ... 5th ... - $ 5.75
$5+0.75 SnG full ... 1st ... + $19.25
$5+0.75 SnG full ... 3rd ... + $ 4.25
$5+0.75 SnG full ... 2nd ... + $ 9.25
$5+0.75 SnG full ... 4th ... - $ 5.75
$5+0.75 SnG full ... 4th ... - $ 5.75
$5+0.75 SnG full ... 1st ... + $19.25

Titan Poker ... $ 52.39 ... + $ 34.00 ... total $ 86.39 (-$ 29.61)

The upturn continues thankfully and I'm almost in striking distance of square. had a couple of niggly 4ths my JJ falling down against A7 and then 77 coming a cropper against KJ (made a straght on the river). But generally I'm just glad to be getting out of the danger zone. There was a crazy 4 way all-in when I had 22 and hit trips on the flop (827) alsort of crazyness JA / 55 and something else random but the trip stood up - when they all started going all-in behind and infront I was thinking I was in real trouble.

4kingpoker stuff ...

Titan Series this weekend ... It's the 5th game of 6 this weekend at Titan and the last $50 freeroll in the current series. The weekend after it's a $3+0.30 buy-in which needs to be busy as you can only qualify for the highest 30 scorer final if you've played in a buy-in tournie. The series seems to have been a success and we're just sorting out the details for the Titan Series II which is great news.

Poker Blog of the Week ... Part-Time Poker Blog
A companion to with half-developed article thoughts for feedback, general poker musings, news about the site and inevitably bad beat whining.


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