Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Day 273 ... Slump at Titan again ...

Random Weather Report ... Space - The Final Frontier

Solar activity is at at very low levels. Geomagnetic fields at quiet levels. But excitingly the greater than 2 mev electron flux at geosynchronous obit reached high levels.

Damn this space weather stuff is exciting, well probably if you hadn't got a C in physics GCSE it is. For much more information check out Space Weather - Clever Buggers.

For something a bit more down to earth yet still in space check out The Clangers - True Genius.

Wordsicle Watch ... I could just say the Campaign against Wordsiclizationating of the Planet (CAWP) would ban the use of any word ending in IZE but this might mean we lose sight of so many other pointless made up words, instead I will continue to single out those wordsicles most offensive every Wednesday.

People of the world - Unite for the right to speak proper.

Modularize - Break down something difficult into easy bits.

This is nearly as ironic as making the word for not being able to spell stuff difficult to spell - ie. Dislexsic

Even more ironically if you type into google "Dislexsic" it comes up with

"Did you mean: dislexsick"

Talk about kicking a man when he's down -
in wordsicle jargon google have "dis-enablize their deliverables"

4kingpoker Losses Update ...

Titan Poker ... $ 99.64

$5+1 SnG Full ... 4th ... -$ 6.00
$5+1 SnG Full ... 4th ... -$ 6.00
$5+1 SnG Full ... 7th ... -$ 6.00
$5+1 SnG Full ... 3rd ... +$ 4.00
$5+1 SnG Full ... 4th ... -$ 6.00

$5+1 SnG Full ... 10th ... -$ 6.00

$5+1 SnG Full ... 3rd ... +$ 4.00
$5+1 SnG Full ... 4th ... -$ 6.00

Titan Poker ... $ 99.64 ... -$ 23.00... total $ 76.64 ( - $ 39.36)

A pretty dismal days play really - I have to confess I have no idea what any of the players were like and really only played the cards as I saw them - which really isn't a very pro-active approach. Fine for getting to the last 5 or 6 but no good for knowing who or what you can play to really stand a chance of getting into the money. On the whole I was far more interested in getting some news up on 4kingpoker and playing poker was more of an unwanted distraction than anything else. If I carry on with this approach I've got to play alot less otherwise my bankroll is just going to disappear again.

4kingpoker stuff ...

Titan Series FINAL this weekend - After a successful last game at Titan it's the invite only final this coming Sunday. Then I've got to sort out the details for the Titan Series II.

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