Thursday, January 12, 2006

Day 176 ... Pounded in the cheap seats.

HoldemPoker $ 191.68

HP ... $ 5+0.5 SnG Full ... 10th ... - $ 5.50

HP ... $ 5+0.5 SnG Full ... 10th ... - $ 5.50
We both showed QJ he had one club and flushed on the river.

HP ... $ 5+0.5 SnG Full ... 8th ... - $ 5.50
My KK got crushed when his QQ tripped on the river.

Man I've hit some bad luck even back down in the cheap seats. I had a few beers last night so I'm not feeling great but there isn't a whole lot you can do when the cards just arn't running right. I've got a home game on tomorrow night so I hope this run doesn't continue. We're going to try tournie rather than straight cash game - I'm thinking it'll be a cheaper night for the boys who come and empty their wallets and should also be good preparation for a real B&M tournie if we can sort a trip up to Brum out.

HP ... NL Cash 0.1 ... $ 8.00 ... 00.00 ... - $ 8.00
HP ... NL Cash 0.1 ... $ 8.00 ... 00.00 ... - $ 8.00
HP ... NL Cash 0.1 ... $ 8.00 ... 00.00 ... - $ 8.00
HP ... NL Cash 0.1 ... $ 8.00 ... 9.00 ... + $ 1.00

HP ... NL Cash 0.1 ... $ 8.00 ... 00.00 ... - $ 8.00
HP ... NL Cash 0.1 ... $ 8.00 ... 7.55 ... - $ 0.45

And now I've come back from a rubbish job covering some dull conference and I've fired off a load of cash feeling cheesed off and made my bankroll suffer even more - so much for discipline - I've just done a Mike "the mouth" Matusow.

Total ... HoldemPoker $ 191.68 - $ 47.95 ... $143.73 (+ $ 99.73)

4kingpoker news ...

Upcoming private tournaments -

• $100 freeroll Sunday 15th Jan at 3pm ET / 8pm GMT
• UltimateBet $50 freeroll Sunday 15th Jan at 6pm ET / 11pm GMT

Poker tip of the day ... Dont blow your bankroll
So your doing ok in the low stakes games - why not head up a level or two? If your finding fish and making money moving up too soon could be costly, your suddenly gona find your shark food and that nice little margin you've built up will be gone - remember poker is one long game not just one session or one hand - you need to have sufficient to balance the fluctuations in your bankroll 

Poker blog of the day ... Tao of Poker
Pauly's blog is very well written and equaly entertaining. Mainly a B&M player - really good reports and thoughts.

1 comment:

Kent said...

I wish I'd read this a couple weeks ago. I was doing so well at the $.25/$.50 tables that I moved up to playing two $.50/$10 tables (and took a big hit on the bankroll). I'm not moving up again until I know that I'm ready.