Monday, July 25, 2005

Day 4 ... $ 48.50

The results speak for themselves - three steps back maybe one forward

I'm really unlucky - bolox Eddie Edwards could play better - without his glasses - The cards arn't coming so I end up losing my patience and playing any old crap and its cost me - but thats my own fault no-one elses.

• $5+0.5 NL sit&go shorthanded ... 3rd ... loss $ 5.50 ... - $ 5.50
• $5+0.5 NL sit&go short turbo ... 4rd ... loss $ 5.50 ... - $ 5.50

Lets try cash games - Doh - another dumb assed idea

• $ 5.50 NL 0.25 CASH game ... $ 0 ... - $5.50
Lasted five minutes - 7/10 at table, 68% at flop, $ 3.35 ave pot

• $5+0.5 NL sit&go shorthanded ... 3rd ... loss $ 5.50 ... - $ 5.50

It's getting worse - Im gona be betting even if I only get dealt one card soon - still I know you shouldnt be in a cashing in the stupid amounts I am ... by the time you hit some cards there's nothing left to bet with - so why am I doing it ??????

• $ 5.50 NL 0.25 cash game ... $ 11.65 ... + $6.15
Stayed in for 10 mins, doubled up and got the hell out. Call me a pussy but I've been makin a hash of it all morning and I got out before I blew it again.

• $ 5.50 NL 0.25 cash game ... $ 11.65 ... + $6.15
Went to another table, stayed in a bit longer made the same result. I know you shouldnt but I look at that as two of the tounies fees recovered.

• $ 5.50 NL 0.25 cash game ... $ 0 ... - $5.50

15 mins and back to the dark side - Darth Vader would be proud - my bank manager would think I'm a brainless tosser who should take up stamp collecting -

Who am I kidding - I'll call your penny black and I'll raise you a Cuban commerative butterfly stamp.

• $5+0.5 NL sit&go shorthanded ... 1st ... win $ 17.50 ... + $ 12.00

Well thats enough faffing around - taking a break till the freeroll, at least I can only come out of that one square or up.

• Freeroll $500 added ... 412th out of 2400 ... Freeroll

Ace 5 took me up to $ 2185 and 234th place after 18mins when the flop came down 5 5 -

Then the rot set in as I started to go backwards faster than a backwards thing in a backwards racing contest

35 mins $ 1725 496th / 1176 ... 45 mins $ 575 553rd / 882

At the 1hr break I was left with $ 125 I was two seats away from the blinds which were set to go up to $150/$300 folded Ad 8d and so ended up committed all-in on the big blind with Qs 10h ... came through winning $625 with qq44 ... phew
Then got moved tables and stuck on the blinds again ... all-in with Ac8c flop came down js 10d 2s got called by AQ and AK
Out 412th after 1hr 13 mins - shit happens

• $5+0.5 NL sit&go shorthanded ... 5th ... loss $ 5.50 ... - $5.50

Back to form - I (yep that was another domain bought in haste)

• $ 5.50 NL 0.25 cash game ... $ 0 ... - $4.55

Got out with 95 cents hardly worth but I've lost the will to play. Really not looking forward to playing tomorrow so prob wont play ... yeah right who the hell am I kidding.

Lets hope I get abducted by genius poker playing aliens in the night ... maybe they can fix my terrible game.

day four $ 48.50 -$ 13.25 total $ 35.25 (- $8.75) the rot has set in

........ ........ dont get bitter - get better ........
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