Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Day 6 ... $ 20.15

• $5+0.5 NL sit&go short turbo ... 4th ... loss $ 5.50 ... - $5.50

• $ 8.00 NL 0.25 cash game ... $ 10 ... + $2.00

• Freeroll $500 added ... 863rd out of 2400 ... Freeroll

Was going down steadily - having a never ending attack of no balls which is firmly festering in my head. Down to $ 340 after 27mins I get moved table onto the small blind down to $ 315 get carried away on Kh 10s on the button - costs me.

Then I get 88 and despite the scary flop Kh 2d 5h Im make a move all-in when 7d comes on the turn, the other guy folds and I'm back up to $ 1460. All goes wrong forget where but after 39mins I'm back down scrabbling for chips $ 265 1057th / 1068 with the blinds about to eat me up.

BB lands me with 73 off and then the small blind 7h Qh I've got $ 40 left so I go for it - We end up in a 3 way all-in with them showing

7A & Jd Qd ... flop comes 10h 10c Ac 8s 9h ... And I finish 863rd - yet again a million miles from the money

• $5+0.5 NL sit&go full table ... 4th ... loss $ 5.50 ... - $5.50

I don't need to be told how lame I am at poker -
I'm shit and I know I am

day 6 ... $ 20.15 -$ 9.00 ... $ 11.15 (- $32.85)

........ ........ dont get bitter - get better ........
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