Thursday, September 08, 2005

Day 50 ... $ 14.90

• $5+0.5 NL sit&go full ... 2nd ... + $ 9.50

Phew good start as I'm fast running out of cash and this month has hardly started

• $5+0.5 NL sit&go full ... 5th ... - $ 5.50

• $5+0.5 NL sit&go full ... 5th ... - $ 5.50

• $5+0.5 NL sit&go full ... 5th ... - $ 5.50

Now I'm really in trouble Ive got $ 7.90 left and that leaves me with the difficult decision - if I play another tournie and come 5th which seems to be the level of my form then I can't do anything with the $ 2.40 left.

I'm going to go into a cash game with the full amount and see if I can get myself up to a whole $11 - Boy I'm a real high roller - NOT

• $ 7.90 NL 0.25 cash game ... $ 11.80 ... + $ 3.90

OK so all I need to do is win or get placed in the next 2 tournies.

• $5+0.5 NL sit&go full ... 5th ... - $ 5.50

Muppet - 5th place seems to be the story of my life - now I'm right in the sh*t again

Day 50 $ 14.90 - $ 8.60 total $ 6.30 (- $117.10)

Dont know what I'm going to do - Same cash game plan I think

........ ........ dont get bitter - get better ........
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