Saturday, December 03, 2005

Day 136 ... Poker Forum Challenge

After struggling with the mildest curry in the universe I sat up waiting to play in the Poker Forum Challenge hosted at Royal Vegas - bit of a late game for me as it didn't kick of till 1am UK time.

Even though I havn't played much at Royal Vegas I got on ok with the software and have grown to quite like it, aside from that a rather big plus is the very fishy competition at the site - quite tight and very passive players which is great and a fair amount of loose weak / semi aggressive players. Added to that they give you $10 to play with, straight into your account even if you don't deposit cash.

anyway back to the freeroll tournie last night - 2125 entered and I lasted just under 2 hours to get 142nd place which I was quite please with. OK so no money or anything but after the last couple of months of me playing just about every hand I see and failing miserably to steal and out play anyone with any cards I was just glad to have got back to a more disciplined game.

I'd managed to stay pretty much at twice the average stack for most of the 2 hours, my downfall came after a couple of good folds on fairly good starting hands that had already cost me too much money - at least I didn't go out on those - but I ended up with 1300 chips with the blinds at 500/1000 and two hands away from the BB so I went all-in with A9 suited (best I'd seen in 12-18 hands) hoping my non to impressive 1300 and a tight table image would be enough to pick up the blinds and one caller - no such luck as the big stack I read as just limping in had AA so called and that was that.

Day 136 ... 142nd out of 2125 at Poker Forum Challenge hosted at Royal Vegas Poker.

Poker article of the day ...
Poker Starting Hands - Playing AK Big Slick - by scrawnybob

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