Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Day 160 ... Done Christmas back to the poker ...

HoldemPoker $ 117.30

HP ... $ 8 cash NL 0.1 ... 19.00 ... +$10.00
HP ... $ 8 cash NL 0.1 ... 00.00 ... -$ 8.00
HP ... $ 8 cash NL 0.1 ... 13.10 ... +$ 5.10

HP ... $ 8 cash NL 0.1 ... 21.25 ... +$13.25
HP ... $ 8 cash NL 0.1 ... 13.85 ... +$ 5.85
HP ... $ 13.85 cash NL 0.1 ... 25.35 ... +$11.50
HP ... $ 8 cash NL 0.1 ... 16.85 ... +$ 8.35

HP ... $ 8 cash NL 0.1 ... 00.00 ... -$ 8.00
HP ... $ 8 cash NL 0.1 ... 9.20 ... +$ 1.20
HP ... $ 16.85 cash NL 0.1 ... 19.30 ... +$ 2.45

HP ... $ 8 cash NL 0.1 ... 00.00 ... -$ 8.00
HP ... $ 8 cash NL 0.1 ... 8.85 ... +$ 0.85

Not a bad set but a lot of play for not that much reward - but I don't want to start getting greedy and pushing my luck with bad cards - if I'm going through a drought then I'll just have to ride it out ... especially playing in cash games ... none of the tricks in tournies will cut any sway in these loose ring games.

Total ... HoldemPoker $ 117.30 + $ 34.05 ... $151.85 (+ $ 107.85)

4kingpoker news ... Looking forward to the New Year and hoping to sort out my blog a bit better and organise a few more private tournies. Membership to the forum is really starting to pick up which is making me feel a whole lot more upbeat about all things poker.

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