Saturday, December 17, 2005

Day 150 ... Great home game last night - the echo finally got the decent win he deserves and I managed to come out with a profit after a shaky start and cashing up £60. Fatboy came out firing early doors and think we had a £40 pot pre-flop on the second hand. Was a bit wild but as much as some of them like to blame their bad nights on drinking and my ups on not drinking - having listened to their theories on poker clearly no amount of tee totalness would make up for the fundamental flaws in their theories on poker play. I will be planning to get drunk at the next one to prove a point - which will no doubt be when I get dealt consistently good but none the less 2nd best hands all night.

4kingpoker home game - Dec Results

the echo ... +80.50
rimmer ... + 44.00
scrawnybob ... + 37.00
crazylegs ... + 10.00

haven ... - 71.50
fatboy ... - 100

4kingpoker home game - overall results 2006

1. scrawnybob +502pts
2. rimmer +249pts
3. crazylegs +212.50pts
4. fatboy +124pts

5. frazer -13pts
6. the echo -88pts
7. professor -154pts
8. hello ginger -222pts
9. shrek -273pts
10. haven -326pts

Played abit online but nothing very impressive - going up on one site and down on the other netted me up $5.

HP ... $ 8 Cash NL 0.10 ... $ 9.20 ... + $ 1.20
HP ... $ 8 Cash NL 0.10 ... $ 00.00 ... - $ 8.00
HP ... $ 8 Cash NL 0.10 ... $ 5.85 ... - $ 2.15
HP ... $ 8 Cash NL 0.10 ... $ 4.95 ... - $ 3.05

UB ... $ 8 Cash NL 0.05/0.1 ... $ 00.00 ... - $ 8.00 ... 10mins
UB ... $ 8 Cash NL 0.05/0.1 ... $ 5.80 ... - $ 2.20 ... 40mins

HP $153.45 -$ 12.00 ... $ 141.45 (+ $97.45) ... UB $95.68 + $ 17.12 ... $112.80 (+ $ 24.80)
Sub total ... $ 248.33 + $ 5.12 (+bonus) ... $ 254.25 ( +122.25)

Total (PokerRoom / HoldemPoker / UltimateBet) ... $254.25 (- $ 141.75)

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